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buerli Introduction

Buerli is a powerful tool for creating custom cloud CAD applications. While developers primarily handle the customization process, we also cater to designers who can actively participate in the creation of 3D parts and assemblies using our Buerligons systems. It is worth noting that the majority of Buerli application teams consist of both developers and designers, fostering collaboration and synergy between these roles.

To build a custom application with Buerli, you will require the expertise of a developer to embed Buerli into your web application and host a CAD server. Additionally, someone with a solid understanding of interactive and programmatic CAD modeling is essential to ensure optimal utilization of Buerli's capabilities. This collaborative effort between developers and designers guarantees a comprehensive and seamless CAD application tailored to your specific requirements.

Buerli has a specific focus within the expansive CAD field. Our platform excels in targeted niches, offering substantial advantages in areas like automating product configuration on the web. While we acknowledge the complexity of 3D design, our goal is not to encompass all its aspects. Instead, we concentrate our efforts on providing specialized solutions that deliver remarkable value in our chosen areas of expertise. By doing so, we ensure that our customers benefit from the specific advantages and streamlined workflows that Buerli brings to their CAD projects.

The Buerli client is complemented by a ClassCAD server backend, a parametric history-based CAD system that performs CAD tasks and communicates results to the client. Users host the server either locally or on cloud services like AWS or Azure. An offline usage option is available through the compilation of the app with a local server into an electron application. Command communication with the server occurs via websockets, utilizing a stateful architecture with responses in a structure and geometry protocol.

Central on the client side is our ClassCAD API, which is the only api interface accepted by the ClassCAD server. Solid- and HistoryAPI are wrapper around this API to make programming easier. ClassCAD API is used directly only from our react components, which are used in the CAD GUI Toolkit described later.

Building custom CAD cloud applications has never ever been that easy!

From interactive design to headless programming.#

Buerli disrupts the CAD world by offering versatile options for creating custom CAD systems. While most CAD systems rely on interactive design, Buerli introduces programmable/scriptable languages for CAD tasks. With Buerli, you have the freedom to build your interactive CAD system, leverage the headless API for pure programming control, or seamlessly combine both approaches in your application.

Moreover, you can take your existing Three.js Canvas from your web application and let Buerli generate geometry into it. This flexibility empowers users to tailor their CAD experience according to their specific needs, unlocking a new level of creative possibilities.

We share the strong conviction that CAD programming within a client-server environment has the potential to unlock vast opportunities for a diverse community of programmers.

Exciting news awaits Buerli users! An upcoming solution involves the integration of WebAssembly (WASM) technology, enabling the server to be compiled into web assembly modules. This development will pave the way for pure browser-based CAD solutions, eliminating the need for external installations or servers. With this advancement, users will have the convenience of accessing and utilizing Buerli's CAD capabilities directly within their web browsers, enhancing accessibility and streamlining the CAD workflow. Stay tuned for the upcoming release, which promises to revolutionize the CAD experience.

Buerli seamlessly merges interactive design and programming, leveraging the strengths of both worlds. In certain design aspects, interactive features are indispensable and challenging to achieve solely through programming. Tasks such as edge-based operations like fillets and chamfers, as well as 2D parametric sketches, require interactive input for optimal results. For instance, developers can implement a selection feature in their code, allowing it to pause execution and await a specific selection in the model. The API provides options for specifying the type and number of selections required, granting developers control over the interactive process.

CAD React GUI toolkit#

Buerli offers an API that allows client applications to access CAD functionality. For developers and companies seeking to create their own CAD GUIs, we provide convenient React components that simplify communication with the CAD model. These components include editors with selectors for CAD elements, solids, instances in assemblies, and more. We have developed the Buerligons end user CAD system ourselves, which showcases the capabilities and features of our platform. To explore further, you can visit our GitHub repository at This resource provides valuable insights and resources for developers interested in leveraging Buerli's CAD functionality in their own applications.